The Centre



Parent & Child normally arrives between 8 am to 9 am. Upon arrival, our teachers will assist the child to unpack his/her bag and conduct either a one to one reading session or lead the child for outdoor play with their group.

Morning Snack: Morning Snack typically starts at 9 am, Our kitchen will serve up light morning. The children will then proceed to clean up and get ready for circle time and lessons.

Learning time

Between 9.30 am until 11.30 am our children will be busy with a myriad of activities and lessons. Each group is led by a team of 3-4 teachers with lesson plan uniquely written to promote the learning and development of the children within the group. All our teachers stay consistent within the group throughout the year and they act as the children main caregiver. This is to ensure a trust and bond is fostered between the teacher and the child. We believe a safe and trusting environment is crucial to promote effective learning among our children.

Jolly Phonics, Bacalah Anakku, Mandarin Programme, Arithmetic and Jolly Music are integral part of their learning and is incorporated into their leaning timetable on a daily basis.

Lunch Routine, Shower and Nap

The daily routine activity begins at about 11.30. Lunch is served direct from our kitchen. Children 3 and above will be directly involved with the lunch service process, where they will be involved in table setting and assist the teachers in serving their peers in the group. After lunch, the children will be assisted and guided to shower, change and roll out their sleeping bags. Milk will be served and following from that, our teachers will tuck them in for their nap. The children will normally nap for a period of 2 hours and typically wakes up by 3.30 pm.

Tea Time

Delicious home baked goods are served from our kitchen on a daily basis at 3.30 pm sharp. The children look forward to tea as it is often their treat of the day!


Evening Activity

Evening activity usually focus on activities indoors or table top activity. Music movement, Fine motor skilled focused activity is usually conducted at this hour,between 4 pm to 5 pm.


Preparing to go outdoors

At bout 5 pm another round of milk will be served, the children then pack up their belongings and prepare themselves to head outdoors for their evening play. We apply mosquito repellent, and change the younger ones into a fresh set of clothes prior to going outdoors.


Going Home

Parents gradually stream in from 5.30 pm onwardinto the centre for pickup. At this time, parents would normally spend some time to communicate with our teachers and also observe their children play with their friends before heading home. The school will check the child out via the app and parents will receive a daily report on the child’s activity at the end of the day.
